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wood oil 木油;桐油。

wood paper

Just as they putting wood oil into holes , suddenly the king turned into a boundless lake , and his body became the bridge forever . until now , the bridge still lies in the village near ling river . although the dragon king was dead , but his soul protect the farmers as before 雖然石龍不能變成龍形,每當洪澇災害、干旱季節來臨時,這湖泊和石龍橋照常起著蓄集洪水、吐水救濟農民百姓,取之不盡,用之不竭的作用,而且無論漲多大的洪水,始終淹沒不了橋身,人們照樣從橋上而過。

Pao fa machilus is a medium sized native tree that produces clusters of small creamy yellow flowers in spring it s timber can be shaved and soaked to form a styling gel called “ shaving wood oil “ ( pao fa oil ) 踏入春天,刨花潤楠長出鮮紅的嫩芽和淡黃的小花,像急不及待向世人展示其奪目的春裝。利用刨花潤楠的木材刨成薄片叫刨花。

Guoqiang natural wood oil is natural oil / wax based and micro - porous , ( allowing the wood to breathe ) . it will not crack , flake , peel or blister 國強木蠟油是以天然植物油和蠟為基料,涂刷后保持木材表面細微毛孔敞開,使木材可以呼吸透氣。同時減少了木材膨脹或收縮,不龜裂,不剝落,不起翹。

Mixed uniformity before use it , the first layer should be thin and well - proportioned , wood oil which are not absorbed should be erased by rag after twenty minutes 使用前要攪拌均勻,第一道打底層薄而均勻, 20分鐘后用抹布擦掉未被吸收的木油。

Production of lin guang anticorrosive wood oil select natural material , it has strong percolating force and adhesive force 林光牌防腐木油選用天然原料精制而成,具有超強的滲透和附著力。

Today , actress of cantonese opera still uses shaving wood oil for sticking the wig pieces , or “ strips “ on to her face 時至今日,粵劇花旦貼假發裝飾頭臉的過程依然少不了它。

Having a bottle of shaving wood oil was required for setting trendy hair styles in the past 用刨花浸泡成的刨花油,是從前梳妝臺上,令秀發熨貼入時的婦女恩物。